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BOA Minutes Wroblewski 8 3 05
AUGUST 3, 2005

Case # 184 Ronald Wroblewski/L & K Equipment, Map 3 Lot 29A located on Route 4 requesting an area variance to Article III, Section P-wetlands to dredge and fill 6560 sq. ft.

Members Present:  Edward Meehan, Chairman; Stephen MacCleery, ex-offico; Mark McIntosh, Louis Barker, David Dobson.

Applicant:  Ronald Wroblewski; Jeff Burd, Brown Engineering

Ron restores truck bodies and sells used trucks.  He would like to build a parking area on the front of his property for the trucks.  He would be impacting some wetlands and needs a variance to do this.  This is a prime commercial area and is zoned commercial.  He does not propose to put the parking area any closer to the wetland area than where the trucks currently sit.  There would be a 50-65 sq. ft. impact to the wetland area.  He went to the Planning Board first and got the impression they were okay with this but was told he needed a variance from the BOA to go any further.  The Conservation Commission has walked the property but as yet this board has not received any correspondence from them or the Planning Board.  

Ron stated he would like to put the parking area further away from the Healthy Buffalo.

Jeff said the Conservation Commission didn’t want the drainage from the parking lot running right off into the wetlands, which was their biggest concern.  I told them I would look at a way of trapping it and treating it somehow before it discharged off the property.  We are going to have to trip the drainage a little bit differently.

The Planning Board minutes of June 2, 2005 at which Ron was on the agenda for discussion of adding a 150 sq. ft. paved pad for the sales area on his lot states, “Mr. Wroblewski was advised to discuss the drainage with the State Department of Transportation and possibly the Conservation Commission.  He will need to go to the Board of Adjustment for a variance on the wetland buffer.  Letter will be sent stating that the Board cannot act on this project based on the wetlands setback.”
Mr. Wroblewski states he has not received any letters from the Planning Board or Conservation Commission.  He has filled out his Standard Dredge and Fill Application with the State of NH. (Copy on file)

At a previous Planning Board meeting Mr. Wroblewski was given permission to park 6 trucks on the side of his driveway which at this time is not paved.  The proposed parking area will be paved.

All parties involved were agreeable to continue this public hearing until next Wednesday, August 10, 2005 at 7 PM so pertinent information could be received from the Conservation Commission and/or Planning Board.
Mark McIntosh moved at this time to continue this public hearing until next Wednesday, August 10, 2005 at 7 PM pending further information from the Planning Board and/or the Conservation Commission.  Steve MacCleery seconded.  Vote was 5-0 in favor of motion.  Motion carries.

Respectfully submitted,

Holly MacCleery, Secretary
Chichester Board of Adjustment